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Guanghua Village

Guanghua Village was originally called Guogangzai as it was bordered by a large drainage canal (similar to Xiaogangzai). To visit or contact other settlements of Zhongzhou, residents of Guogangzai would have to cross this river, giving rise to the name of Guogangzai (hamlet of river crossers). After World War II, the village was renamed Guanghua Village after the Guanghuaxing Theater Troupe that belonged to the first Village Chief. Tougang Village is composed of five settlements of Jiutougangzi, Xintougangzi, Nanfazitou, Beifazitou, and Xibianliao. Of which, Xintougangzi was settled by the descendants of the Wu Clan of the Jiutougangzi Branch about 100 years ago. Nan- and Beifazitou were settled by descendants of the Li Clan from the branch of Huanchang Village (commonly known as Qikua Cuo) of Syuejia District. The Guo Clan of Xibianliao were migrants from Hongqie Village of this district. By this day, residents in the settlements of Beifazitou and Xibianliao have mostly migrated to Guanghua Village. The administrative district adjustments of 1 February 2006 merged Guanghua Village and Tougang Village to form Guanghua Village.