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Sanqing Village

Dingzhou Village is situated slightly north of Syuejia District along the banks of Bazhang River. Most of the residents are of the Min ethnicity and members of the Guo Clan, which have today branched into the 8th Chamber, from which further branches were formed to create the Greater Guo Clan. During Japanese Occupation, the area was called Xizhou Ziliao, and was renamed as Dingzhou after World War II. Pioneers who followed Jheng Cheng-gong’s army settled in Hongqie Village. The region was generally low-lying and covered by thickets of red-barked mangroves, giving rise to the name Hongqieding (red mangroves). After World War II, the region was renamed Hongqie. Xinfang Village is located at the northwest of this district. It was known as Daofengliao as the first settlers built their houses along the banks of the Daofeng Lagoon. After World War II, the first Village Chief Mr. Jhu Jing-siang renamed this village as Xinfang. The administrative district adjustments of February 1, 2006 merged Dingzhou Village, Hongqie Village and Xinfang Village to form Sanqing Village.